Call Center Queue Analytics
Call Center Queue Analytics by Vulcan Telecom

Queue analytics refer to the use of data and analysis techniques to understand and optimize the performance of call queues in a PBX (Private Branch Exchange) system.
In a PBX system, call queues are used to manage incoming calls when all of the available agents are busy. Callers can be placed in a queue and will be connected to an agent as soon as one becomes available.
Queue analytics can be used to track and understand a variety of metrics related to call queues, such as the average wait time for callers, the number of abandoned calls (calls that are disconnected before being answered by an agent), and the percentage of calls that are answered within a certain timeframe.
This information can be used to identify problems or bottlenecks in the call queue system and to implement changes that will improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the call center.

Some examples of the types of data that might be collected and analyzed as part of queue analytics include:
Call volume
Wait time
Abandonment rate
Service level
Agent utilization
By analyzing this data and implementing changes based on the insights gained, call centers can improve the experience for both callers and agents and increase overall efficiency.
A tool that allows you to manage, share and customize dashboards of queue/agent statistics in one convenient place is called Queue Analytics (referred to as Wallboard)
How to access Queue Analytics
To access Queue Analytics, you need to be a call center supervisor. After logging in as a call center administrator, we then click on the 'Applications' drop down menu in the top right corner of the Management Portal page to access a menu that allows us to select 'Queue Analytics' to launch the desired application.
Queue Analytics functionality can also be enabled for basic users. However, in this case, basic users will be limited over the amount of data they can view. In particular, this limitation is that they can only view real-time call queue statistics. This means displaying statistics such as active calls, calls on hold, longest wait. It is therefore a display of Gauge and Single Stat cards. For basic users, Grid and Table tab types can also be added as an option. However, these statistics will only work for the Call Queue and Call Waiting data types.
The Queue Analytics page provides a toolbar for the user to easily customize and create "tabs", which are individual windows containing queue statistics of your choice. These tabs populate the Queue Analytics page, which is called the "Dashboard".
The Analytics Toolbar allows you to:
- Manage boards
- Share boards
- Check the version number
- Create a New Board
- Edit existing board
- Copy a Board
- Delete a Board
- Access Board Settings
- Create Favorite a Board
- Share a Board with Others
- Enter Full-Screen Mode
- Manager Portal Apps
To create a new card, we need to select the type of card and the data to be displayed. At the same time, each card can be further customized if needed. This customization can be done for each card and thus we can adjust the style of each card.
To create a new card we proceed as follows:
Available (AM)

Types of cards forqueue analysis
Each card type can only be used to display certain types of data. Keep this in mind to better understand how you should organize your boards.
When you create a new tab, you can select not only the type of tab, but also the data you want to display, and you can define and select the style of displaying the selected information.
Each card type can then be used with specific data or reports. However, it should be kept in mind that not all card types can be used with all data types.
The Gauge Card Type is compatible with the following data/report types:
- Calls Handled
- Calls Forwarded
- Calls Waiting
- Calls to Voicemail
- Call Volume
- Average Talk Time
- Average Wait Time
- Average Hold Time
- Active Calls
- Longest Wait
- Agents Online
- Agents Idle
- Abandoned Calls
- Abandon Rate
- Service level
- Total Talk Time
- Custom Data Source (Provide data via a web resource)
The Line Chart Card Type is compatible with the following data/report types:
- Abandon Rate
- Service Level
- Calls Handled
- Calls Forwarded
- Calls to Voicemail
- Call Volume
- Calls Waiting
- Abandoned Calls
- Average Hold Time
- Average Talk Time
- Average Wait Time
- Average Handle Time
- Total Talk Time
- Peak Active Calls
The Single Stat Card Type is compatible with the following data/report types:
- Active Calls
- Calls Waiting
- Calls Handled
- Calls Forwarded
- Calls to Voicemail
- Call Volume
- Average Talk Time
- Average Wait Time
- Average Hold Time
- Longest Wait
- Agents Online
- Agent Idle
- Abandoned Calls
- Abandon Rate
- Service Level
- Total Talk Time
- Custom Data Source (Provide data via a web resource)
The Table Card Type is compatible with the following data/report types:
- Agents
- Call Queues
- Calls Waiting
- Custom Data Source (Provide data via a web resource)
The Grid Card Type is compatible with the following data/report types:
- Agents
The Note Card Type is just a custom note.
The iFrame Card Type just needs to include the iFrame URL.
Once the configuration of the stats tabs is complete, the user can create a custom dashboard to easily view various queue statistics
Call Queue Wait Timer and Show Callers Detail.

The Call Center Wait Timer is located on the Call Center tab. In Vulcan Telecom's call center system, the wait timer displays the total wait time for a specific call queue.
The time the caller waits on the line is the waiting time and is displayed on the "Call Center" tab. This includes the time before the call is connected to an agent. During this time, the caller goes through several states. From "queued" to "ringing".
If the agents on the lines are not busy. the queuing state can occur in less than a second and then the caller is immediately transferred to an available agent. However, if all agents in the queue are busy when the connection is just attempted, the call will remain in the queued state longer. This time depends on both the order in which the call was queued and the availability of the agents logged into the queue.

Once selected, you will see the number (Caller ID), name, and queue status for each current caller in the queue, including the total amount of time the caller has been in the currently displayed status.
On the Call Center Queues page, in the "Waiting" column, you can view the total waiting time for the call queue.
In a call center using a PBX (Private Branch Exchange) system, a "call queue" is a system that holds incoming calls in a queue until they can be answered by an available agent. The "wait timer" refers to the amount of time that a call remains in the queue before it is either answered or redirected to another destination, such as a voicemail system.
"Show callers detail" is a feature that allows call center agents to view information about the caller while they are waiting on hold in the call queue. This information may include the caller's phone number, name (if available), and the reason for the call. This can help the agent to prepare for the call and provide more personalized service to the caller.

The next state is ringing. This state appears when a caller attempts to connect to an agent. This state also occurs when there is an attempt to ring multiple agents. Even from the Ringing state, the call state can change back to the Queued state. This occurs if the call cannot be connected because no agents are available. The call will remain in this state again until one of the agents becomes available and a connection is attempted again in the Ringing state with the currently available agent.
The number in the "Callers Waiting" column allows you to view the current call status and the total duration of the status for all current callers in the queue.