Affordable Call Center Phone Services
Main benefits of Vulcan Telecom´s Call Center solution
A typical office phone does not offer the features needed for a call center.
Vulcan Telecom offers call handling and call routing features for your call center all on Hosted PBX.

Robust features
Vulcan Telecom makes full use of the SIP network architecture.

Vulcan Telecom's platform is geographically redundant

It doesn't matter if you have a handful of customers or thousands

Our pricing system is per seat
Call Center Solution by Vulcan Telecom

Vulcan Telecom's call center solution is to provide the monitoring tools and reporting capabilities that are typically needed to manage the day-to-day operations of a call center.
The core of this functionality is found in the PBX portal, which our experienced staff can help you fully set up for your needs.
Everything you need can then be found by logging in using the Call Center Administrator role in your PBX portal.
The home page of the call center administrator provided by Vulcan Telecom will show you statistics and reports related to the call queues that the administrator manages.
The statistics table can also display custom statistics for your call center and is configurable, which our experienced staff will be happy to help you with.
The statistics are then colour coded on a scale from red to green, as is customary, and this colour spectrum is automatically generated based on the lower and upper threshold settings for certain aspects of your call centre.

Some definitions for Vulcan Telecom Call Center in PBX portal

The primary access level assigned to the call center supervisor is "Call Center Supervisor Scope" - this is the level of access to the PBX portal
The primary screen for users with a higher scope than call center supervisors is the "Home Page/Dashboard" This is the initial screen after logging into the PBX portal.
This screen is of course also accessible to users with call center supervisor privileges or higher.
Custom statistics, which can be configured in terms of lower and upper value limits, can be displayed in the upper right corner of the home page. This is the "Stats Grid"
A value that is set for a given aspect of the call center such that when it is reached, the corresponding value turns yellow is called the "Lower Threshold".
Logically, this value should be set lower than the upper threshold value. The exception is the case of the service level agreement threshold. This field does not necessarily need to be populated with a value.
In this case, the colour will change to yellow automatically when 70% of the upper threshold is reached.
Users login and out for more efficient routing of calls. An important feature is the administrator portal for an overall view of everything going on in the call system. Statistics are generated for each location and/or user and is also available in the portal. If quotas are important in growing your business, the information in the portal will be essential. The administrator is able to see statistics like the number of calls made or the average amount of time spent on calls for each employee. This will help to understand what is needed to grade your sales team and grow your business.
Call center services include multiple-call distribution, voice mail, call queuing, queue escape, callback option, call overflow, call recording, and night service.
Rules of Vulcan Telecom Call Center

Home Screen of Call Center
What can we find on the Vulcan Telecom call center home screen? You can access all call center features from the call center app home screen.
In particular, the most striking aspect of this call center home screen from Vulcan Telecom call center manager is the statistics table. In this section, you will find a summary of the most important metrics. This summary is represented in a simple, clear and concise format. The hotnotes presented here are very telling about the performance of your call center.
In particular, in this main summary statistics table we find the following abbreviations: CW, AWT, AHT, ABN, CA, CV.
But what do these abbreviations mean? It's simple.
- CW stands for Call Waiting
- AWT stands for Average Waiting Time
- AHT stands for Average Handling Time
- Abbreviation ABN stands for Abandonment Rate
- Abbreviation CA stands for Calls Received
- Abbreviation CV stands for Call Volume
This table of statistics can of course be modified and reconfigured according to your needs using the "Settings" button located directly above the "Table of statistics" panel.
After clicking on this button, a pop-up panel with two tabs will open. "Stats Grid" is the name of the first default tab and it will give us access to configure our own necessary thresholds (lower and upper) for the generated statistics within the Stats Grid. At the same time, here we can set the statistics we wish to display in the Stats Grid.
On the second tab labeled "General", we have the option to configure the service level agreement according to our needs.
In particular, this setting can be used to monitor whether the call has been answered within an acceptable time (in seconds) according to our settings and needs in relation to the service level agreement. The setting of this value is subsequently taken into account when calculating the service level percentage statistics.
Vulcan Telecom Call Center Features

A value that is set for a given aspect of the call center such that when it is reached the corresponding value in the statistics changes color to red is called the "Upper Threshold". Logically, this value should be set higher than the lower threshold value. The exception is the case of the service level agreement threshold.
And what is this "Service Level Agreement"? This value tells us whether the call was answered in a sufficiently short time (measured in seconds). This service level agreement value is usually used in the calculation of the service level percentage statistic.
Contact Vulcan Telecom for more information on the call center features.