Data Cabling Solutions in Alabama
Data Cabling by Vulcan Telecom for Alabama

Vulcan Telecom will design and create the voice data cabling project for your business or office in the Birmingham area.
Structured cabling has become as essential as electrical wiring or as telephone outlets once were.
What is voice/data cabling?
Simply put, if we used terminology from the previous century it would be wiring for telephones and computers.
Except cabling has advanced past wiring; and phones may not actually be a physical telephone; and computers have evolved from the bulky desk top to the laptop to all the mobile devises.
Cabling is the infrastructure put in place to handle all these voice and data needs.
The information highway now travels through structured cabling.
Yesterday's infrastructure was not designed to handle today's network systems.
Our trained technicians at Vulcan Telecom are experienced with fiber optics, CAT5, CAT6, telephone, voice, and data cabling. Your structured cabling should provide reliable performance and allow growth.
Building a new office or business in Alabama?
Structured cabling should be in your plans. We can assist you with those designs.
Remodeling or upgrading in Alabama?
Call us at 205.699.8090 for a consultation to evaluate your current infrastructure and plan for your telecom needs now and in the future. Vulcan Telecom is your cabling expert in Birmingham, Alabama.